Engine type: Mercedes-Benz 644
Top speed: 40 km/h
Additional options and accessories
- Airconditioning cold (X*; X*)
- Amount of rows (8; 8)
- Attr 2 or 4 wheel drive (4 WD; 4 WD)
- Auto lubrication (Yes; Yes)
- Cutting knives (2; 2)
- Drum hours (2898; 2898)
- Emission Level (Tier 3; Tier 3)
- Front Tires profile (60; 60)
- Front Tires Size (800/70R32; 800/70R32)
- Kernel processor rolls (3; 3)
- Moisture mapping (Yes; Yes)
- Rear hydraulics function (N.A.; N.A.)
- Rear Tires Profile (70; 70)
For Sale Forage Harvester: 2012 Claas Jaguar 940, including 4WD including Claas Orbis 600 8 row corn header, 3769 engine hours and 2898 cutting hours, 28 V-max knife drum, kernel processor, autolube and rear view camera, nice good working machine which is been inspected and tested.
Category | Forage harvester |
Brand | Claas |
Model | Jaguar 940 |
Construction year | 2012 |
Workinghours | 3.769 |
Reference | 23035-30 |
Working width | 60 mm |
Xenon lighting |